Monday, December 19, 2011

5 months later...

As you all can see it's been quite some time since I posted. Honestly, sometimes I can't believe everything that's happened. I have given a kick-ass recital, left the horn studio, mentally changed majors at least 3 times, been reaffirmed, been broken down, been built back up again.
I have met those that I have grown to love and I have had to let go of some of them.
I have begun listening to my dreams again.

Quite frankly, I am still on the road to being OK. Not quite there yet at all, but making progress. But hey, it's the journey not the destination right?

In other news, people are awesome. I love getting to know all these people that have been surrounding me for so long but who I never really got to know. Midwest was an AWESOME opportunity for that. It was also a huge affirmation that music is the path for me. It is no longer my escape, but something that makes me feel connected to everything and everyone around me. It leads me back to myself.
I think my favorite line from Midwest was, "We are wired to connect." That's right, it wasn't a profound statement about music or education, it was a statement about our humanity. Humans, whether we want to admit it or not, are social beings. We need interaction, we need to be connected to those around us. I think that too often on my path to self-discovery I have chosen to isolate myself from those around me because it "should be just about me right now." It can be about me, but I need other people. am wired to connect.

So, yeah...I think I've vomited enough sentence fragments onto this page right now.
Go connect with someone.
It's the holidays.
