Monday, June 25, 2012

That awkward moment when you realize your sense of humor is actually just really creepy to people who don't know you well. Por ejemplo: Instead of waving and shouting goodbye to friends you know ok but not well, you just put on a drugged up smile, cock your head to the side, and raise your hand like you're going to wave but you don't actually move. I call this the possessed ventriloquist. Sure to ensure none of those people want to be in public with you ever again! Whoops....

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Twice in one day- DAYUMMMMMMM

Go see Brave. You know, the Disney Pixar movie. Also, just a thought- How do we let others know it is OK to be vulnerable and that we accept them for who they are without leaving ourselves too exposed? How do we not give away too much of our own power and cross our own boundaries? Just a thought. GOODNIGHT! Sweet dreams :-) Mariah

The Times, They are A-Changing.

Life changes. This is a fact. I used to pride myself on being able to change with it, to adapt to every situation I could possibly find myself in. I used to think that if I changed myself enough and I became smarter, dumber, prettier, more independant, more clingy, etc, then I wouldn't have to leave people and they wouldn't leave me. But alas, this is not how the world works. Change happens, whether we want it to or not. The power comes from choosing to be our best and truest selves through every situation. We must actively chose to live the lives we want to live. (a little redundant there). I have lost 2 grandparents and a dog this year to death. Now my best friend is headed to Africa for two years. Even dynamics in relationships change with time. Every time I feel like I catch my breath something else happens. But for the first time I can finally hear that voice saying,"What about me?" Times will always change, and there will always be things that are out of our control. The world is alive, ebbing and flowing, and it always will be. In the midst of the chaos I hear, "Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to love? How can you surround yourself with happiness right here and right now?" These are the questions leading me to my own happiness, peace, and calm. And I'm finding that my own path and truth is much more rewarding that trying to please everyone. Cause I have a right to be here dammit. Maybe this sounds very simple to everyone, but it's been a hard journey to really understand this concept. Alright, time for breakfast and the Brady Bunch. KISSES, Mariah PS: I am officially obsessed with Downton Abbey. Get into it.