Friday, December 31, 2010

Tonight I'm all dolled-up for a night on the town. A night with my girls. A night to just chiiiiill. And you know what? For all of those cute boots I've gotten my shoe of choice is always my chucks.
What can I say. It's part of who I am. Cause as much as I can dress and act like a "grown-up" or "fiercely" I just love my Converse. There's always that something that will keep me young and keep me ME.
I run my mouth too much. And the sad thing is its never really out of anger or contempt for the other person, I just run my mouth because I can sometimes. Isn't that sad? That the power and intent of my words are lost at times for no reason? How dumb. So that's a part of my New Years resolution. I am going to pay more attention to what I say- who it affects, the tone, all of it. Cause I've got some important things to say, but every time I speak out of bitterness or anger *blip* it negates something nice I've said.
Sometimes I think I'm living my life backwards. I've learned some of the tough lessons that adults struggle with but I'm still stumbling over things most people learn in high school: what it means to be in a relationship, how to avoid gossiping, how to get along with parents-although I suspect many adults struggle with this one as well. I'm making the mistakes of my youth about 4 years after most people. But what can I do but learn and move on? And most importantly admit when I've been an ass. As Mraz said, "...make my mistakes look gracious and learn some lessons from my wrongs..."
I want to be less selfish in my relationships. I want to judge less. I want to see people for their whole story and even if I don't like it, respect it. I want to learn how to keep a secret.
And with that I am signing off. I hope you all have a cherished New Year with people you love.

I'm off to get crunk. Peace bitches.

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