Thursday, June 23, 2011


Lately I've been obsessed with the Jason Mraz song, "Up".

If you listen to him talk about the inspiration for the song, he speaks a lot about how beautiful a relationship is when there is no ceiling to it, no limitations. The love that you have for each other breaks boundaries and makes the impossible possible.

Last night I watched Black Swan again, and it's amazing to me how much my perspective has changed in the 6 months since I last saw it. The first time I saw it all I could think about was the arts and how much we have to internalize what we do. I cognitively understood the juxtaposition of black versus white but I almost took it as a good versus evil. That couldn't be further from the truth. My mom tried to talk about this with me when we saw it and I exploded at her. Well mom, I think I get it more now. There is a place and time for the white swan, for control and logic. But the black swan is the side in all of us that gets lost in passion- in what we want and where we want to go. I think that especially for me the white swan has become very overactive and is actually limiting what I am capable of. It's putting a ceiling on what I want for myself and the life I want to lead. I know where I want to go, I know what makes me happy and it is my responsibility to myself and my own piece of mind to follow that wherever it takes me.

So here's to taking the limitations off of every part of our lives, whether it be a relationship with a lover, a friend, or with our self.

Taking the ceiling out,

"If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas Edison

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