Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Late Bloomer

It's funny, I always thought of myself as mature and ahead of the group. Lately it's been pushed in my face that I may very well know not much about life. I have great ideas, but no actual experience to back them up with. Dr. Allen said he thinks I'm going to be a late bloomer. Holy shit- a late bloomer. I've never been called that, I've been ahead of the game. I've always been the smartest, the fastest, the wisest, the most mature. But now through many events in my life I think I'm being shown that I am indeed just beginning to bloom. I need to learn to be OK with that. I need to learn to be OK with the process that is life, with how it moves and grows and how I grow with it. There is no magic text that gives you the secret to life. I can't look up what I'm dealing with in the library and find an article citing what I am learning and what I should do next. Not to be cheesey, but I think that text and that gauge is internal and not external. And internally I have no idea who I am or what I'm about. I have hints. But I need to stop being so scared and plunge into the thick of life.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined!"

My words are part of my medicine.


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