Saturday, November 10, 2012

On the topic of hobbies and self-improvement

Life is busy right now. I am teaching a lot, band is sucking up a large portion of my time as are my friends and Marlyn. For the most part I'm not salty about it, although there are classes and band events I should sure do without... The thing is, I want to have hobbies. I used to have time to read and research things that interested me. I learned a few songs on guitar. I got lost in novels for hours. I could bike ride a lot and thing about life and philosophy. I miss these things. I want these things back. I really love the people in my life and am grateful for all of them, but dammit sometimes I want to do things for just myself and for no greater purpose. I used to be so in touch with that side of me and I miss it. That's my deal and I really hope I find a way to incorporate that soon. Peace and blessings :-)

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