Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And so it begins....again.

I am sitting here in my kitchen with my lovely roomates. Aka friendmates, a term coined by my friend Stephanie who at one point was a friendmate of Henry but not me, but still a friend of mine. We tight.

Auditions are over! I did alright I think- mostly I just enjoyed the interaction between myself and the panel members. Those guys crack me up, and the chemistry between Dr. Allen and Dr. Mikkelson is hilarious. For example, before I played my audition Dr. Allen told me that he actually knew where Brockport was. In fact he had been there. That has literally never happened since I've been at OSU. Not by one person. Ever. Naturally, I automatically fell in love with Dr. Allen. On my way out he asked, "Oh...what's the name of the coffee place on main street, to the right...right after the bridge?" I instantly answered the only coffee place in Brockport- "Oh, you mean Java Junction?" "Yes!" Meanwhile Mikkelson is sitting there cracking up. I don't really know why but I think it was because of the huge lack of relevance. Personally it put my mind at ease.

It was also great seeing everyone back- I really did hate seeing the school of music so completely DEAD. It was creepy. Now the sounds that used to annoy me such as the blarring trumpet on the 4th floor or the jazz sax playing the same I find comforting. Yeah....that will last all of a week. If that. Actually make that the end of this week.

Some goals for the quarter:
1- I am just taking the classes I need. I meant to take Ballet but I think it will just be too much. Instead this open spot will go to practicing. That way I can get most of my practicing out of the way by dinner time, which means after dinner can go to homework!

2- Naturally I will become amazing at horn. This is a given.

3- 4.OH. This is completely plausible.

4- Professional standing in 1 quarter. Boosh.

5- Work. Cause I have to. 25 to 3o hours a week.

6- Exercising slash taking care of myself.

That's about it. In case you didn't know, I can do this. It will happen.

My apartment is AWESOME by the way. I finally have a home of my own. Ahhh. More to come later on that, probably an entire post. There may be pictures involved. I know, this is a very enticing proposition.

Here's to doing your own thang.


I an grateful for not coming out of the audition in tearce. I am also so very grateful to see so many people that I really like spending time with. I am a very fortunate person.

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