Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I had a cannoli over the weekend...2 actually. And then an Italian bakery sub- roast beef, lettuce, tomato, onion, provalone. Bread baked that day. Oh my god, delicious. I also consumed- organic and locally grown apples, fresh mini-donuts fried right in front of me smothered in cinnamon and sugar. Homemade oatmeal raisin cookie. BBQ chicken, cornbread, seafood corn chowder, mac and cheese, and a peach "round pie". Aka tart. Greens and beans- my mom's specialty- which consists of sausage, escarole, and a certain kind of bean. And fresh baked rye bread. Ice cream. 2 Pumpkin spice lattes with soy. Frozen grapes, a cheese sandwich, and a tomato, feta, and onion omelette. I ATE IT ALL! And you know what?


I love food, I do. In my family it has always been a way to show love and caring. Dinner time was a very big deal for my mom who would come home after a full day of teaching and cook us a meal. My extended family also values food- good food, good beer, and good people. That is our unspoken motto. There is a very sincere possibility that this is an unhealthy attachment and has probably lead to my struggles with weight. Foods trigger memories- my grandfather picking me up from preschool and giving me a few slices of sharp cheddar. Candy corn reminds me of the time I was sick for Halloween and my cousin went trick-or-treating for me and gave me all of the candy. And perhaps the most delicious memory of all- turkey, stuffing, gravy brussels sprouts on a Sunday after youth orchestra. I absolutely love brussels sprouts...and asparagus for that matter. I do however HATE lima's a texture thing. And of course lima beans remind me of Alexander and the No Good Very Bad Day, a children's book my mom used to read us.
To me, food means family and friends. It means comfort and warmth. I am learning self-control when it comes to food and have almost been forced to learn this as a very poor college student. Maybe it was the independence of finally shopping for myself that has alighted my love for cooking. I will always have onion in my house. That is necessary. I really enjoy the European outlook on food. Italians and the French eat buttery croissants and drink whole milk cappuccinos but they have LESS of it. Granted the first paragraph is the opposite of this philosophy, but think about how much more satisfied you are after you head a delicious and well-prepared meal versus ordering a Big Mac. That need to keep eating disappears because you appreciate what you are putting into your body and savour every bite. I am seriously considering living on produce, fresh baked bread, and olives next year. Oh and cheese. Mmm cheese.
In conclusion I am actually just very hungry and waiting for work to be over so I can go eat dinner.

I am grateful for Jena Shellhammer. She is back in the United States today. And I see her tomorrow. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I am also very grateful for Henry coming to New York with me. I also just love New York. I am proud to be from there and always will be.

Love you all,

Letchworth State Park. It's in New York. Ownage.

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