Friday, November 19, 2010


A funny thought occurred to me recently: I am an imposter of myself. I know you're all going "What the hell is this chick talking about??" Let me tell you- I impersonate other people all the time and I am damn good at it. When I played sports or my horn or even interacted with those around me it seems like I am always trying to convey someone else. It's a strange way to live- I am constantly picturing myself through other people's eyes and how every action must look. Throughout my life I have encountered many people I respect, admire, and love. Without thinking about it I have taken what I like about them in terms of demeanor, body gestures, everything, and started doing them. It's really kind of creepy. And actually really exhausting. I'm kind of done living my life as a hodge-podge of different people. And I'm tired of seeing myself through everyone else's eyes. There's a ton of people who do that already. So mayyyybe I should just start living my own life. Just a thought.

On a lighter note- my cousin Jen's wedding last weekend was awesome. It made me realize how much I love my family. They surround me with love and laughter and acceptance. And food. Who else will play horse with me after too much champagne and still in clothes from the wedding? They will always be some of the most important people to me. Plus my sister and I got to bond which was so much fun. I'm kicking myself for pushing her away for so many years.
And finally- everyone should go see the Harry Potter movie. EVERYONE. End o' story.

Carpe Diem!

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