Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Kind of Ramble

Yeah, I did it. I jumped on the blogging bandwagon. I have no reason such as keeping in touch with people as I study abroad or trying to share delicious recipes with the world.

Nope. This is purely selfish.

I just realized this thing has a little built-in hash tag box. Fantastic!

So here I am sitting cross-legged on the couch and waiting to buy Jason Mraz tickets. That's right, he's coming to Columbus. Secretly I harbor a fantasy that this time, the third time I see him, I will somehow be able to sneak back-stage and attach myself to his leg. Henry, don't worry- as Stephanie would say, "It's not sexual, it's just an urge." And dats troof. I dig his groove. But ANYWAYS-

Today I really appreciate my iPod. I's all the music you could want, all the music you own IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND. Young Victoria soundtrack? Bam. Hollywood Goes to War, Disc 1 AND 2? Pow. Maybe a little Mahler? Kaboom. It's all there. And ready to be mashed to fit whatever mood you are in. THAT is magic.

Right now? London Calling by The Clash

Alright, I'm off- these walls aren't going to paint themselves.

This is MKH signing off.

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