Friday, July 30, 2010

Insomia #1

Practicing chromatics as 11pm. iPod on shuffle, Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis comes on. For some reason I cannot help what comes into my mind- just me on the oval, alone, with the stars.

“Mine was the vast dark sky and the spaces between the stars that called out to me; mine was the promise of magic.

I needed to write, I needed to just close my eyes and let it all pour out of me. This is what came out:

"Sometimes my mind aches with the weight of it all, but at the same time there is an explosion- of joy and sorrow. Of the contradiction of emotions. And how pain and joy join hands and walk the path of life together. I feel tiny and larger than life at the same time. I am all powerful, but a conduit for God's will. I live for a moment, a moment when life combusts, the air is too thick for it not to ignite! I am an instrument, and in the forgetting of myself I am fulfilled.

The rustle of the trees, the depth of the twilight sky, the sound of the rain, the smell of the sea, the taste of absolute freedom...

This is music for me and this is why I could never do anything else."

That is what I am grateful for today.

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