Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The risk

"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does?"

The question is- is it worth it? Is it worth taking the risk to get to know someone? People permeate other lives and bleed into your thoughts. Soon certain things remind you of them, certain phrases and books and music. Sometimes I like to think about all of our paths as a bunch of different lines. I mean, close your eyes and literally picture it. A blank white sheet with a red line. I can see all of the people who have really impacted my life. Some lines slice through my line, colliding with me for only an instant. Other times they run along side my line, skimming and skipping along the surface. The risk we all take at getting to know someone is the chance and almost the probability that life will take then somewhere else. And that quite frankly you will be sad to see them go, whether it be a physical leaving or an emotional one. Whether it be college or the end of a relationship, growing sucks. And I am not talking about romantic love necessarily, there are so many kinds of love in this world. So here's the question again- is the risk worth it?

I'd like to think so.

Gratitude for the day- Pillows. Andy from Weeds once said how the proper sleeping position needs 3 pillows: one for the head, one for between the legs, and one for cuddling. I couldn't agree more! These things are tiny little clouds of contentment.

1 comment:

  1. 1) I agree with you that the risk you take by letting someone get to know you is worth it. life would be far too boring without sharing experiences with someone. (friendly, romantic, or otherwise)

    2) I love that you quoted Andy. I could not agree more.
