Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dead Gnats, Hair, and Mouse Crap- OH MY!

Moved myself out of my apartment today. Subsequently exhausted. Will probably only speak in sentence fragments.
Mouse in mah house- found it earlier in the week. Poop everywhere when cleaning. Worried about disease ie plague? Carried by rats? Wait- maybe the asian black rat? something weird like that.
Dead gnats all up in the fridge. Scared to eat my food.
Hair...everywhere....shower drain....like a freaking horror movie.
So so tired- hard to carry a mattress anywhere by yourself. Also didn't eat anything but a banana till 8pm.
Now I have an Arnold Palmer. Lite of course, watching the flab as always.
May take multiple showers until I feel clean.

Henry---> auditioning tomorrow for Army Ceremonial Band. Please send lots of good juju his way.

Night loves.


Splatitude of gratitude:

Pictured: Cathedral in Kosice, Slovakia. Most beautiful church I've ever been in. Trumps St. Patty's.

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