Friday, August 27, 2010

New Tattoo?

I think I'm going to get a second tattoo...not sure where. But this is the last one, promise. The first one was a personal reminder and this one is just...awesome.

Lila (Leela):
"literally 'play', 'amusement' or 'pastime'; the idea that the apparent creation is a diversion for a creator - a means for Him to enjoy Himself."

It perfectly plays off of my געדענקען (remember in Yiddish) tattoo. For me this was meant to symbolize remembering the past and incorporating it into who you grow into. Life is cummulative so we must try hard to learn what we can from all of our experiences and remember those lessons as we move on in life.

Lila, or लीला balances that ideal- while it is important to remember and learn, sometimes you must have a little fun. Dance, play, be free! If life is just a diversion and past time for God, who are we to take it so seriously?
The only problem is I'm slowly becoming a collage of random languages.

Also- I have a new favorite quote.
He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise. "
-William Blake

This is completely something I struggle with. Letting go of the good things while they are still beautiful and joyous rather than trying to hold onto things that I am not meant to have- at least not at the time. Every single Thanksgiving I would cry because everyone had to go home. Instead of appreciating what had occurred (an onslaught of good food, wrestling, and football) I cried because it was over. This is definitely something that I have worked on since March. I guess overall it was a big year- there were many aspects of life that I dealt with that I never thought I would have to. The big lesson that continually slapped me in the face is the world is NOT black and white. Granted there are some things that are- aka murder is always wrong. But there are interactions and connections that we share with people that are so... indistinguishable. So incredibly grey. And that is not to say that they are wrong- It is only to say that it is our own judgements on a situation that make it good or bad. I choose good- no regrets. But now I am talking in circles...

Henry is off to DC! These past few weeks have been amazingly good for him and given him the ability to do what he wants to do and maybe reflect on the past few years. Poor boy has not had a break in years. I mean that sincerely. Years.
I will miss him a lot while he is gone, but he is off to do great things! Represent!

Much love folks,


Grateful for Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra 2006-2007. We were SO FREAKING GOOD.

1 comment:

  1. I am very interested in your Yiddish tattoo. I'm doing the Tattoo Jew documentary:

    Please contact me at and let's chat!
