Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Perfect Sunday

Hello all- Big news:
I AM NO LONGER A TEENAGER! Here's a summary of my birthday weekend. Honestly it was one of my best, and significantly better than my 7th birthday when my mom threw her back out and I spent most of the day throwing up cookies and cream ice cream. My big project that day was building a robot out of all the boxes my presents had come in because the sick me couldn't really do much else with a bicycle helmet. OK, tangent ended.

The drive home sucked. Hardcore. I got cut off, detoured, a little lost, and severely exhausted. I realized how mentally discombobulated I was when I was talking to my car, my only companion on the 7 1/2 hour trip, and told him, "The french horn sound is like a rich dark fudge, everyone else is just a stupid little hershey bar." But soon enough I made it home to say goodbye to Stephanie and Ross, both of whom were heading back to college the next day. Then I passed out.
The next day I woke up and went to a salon for a little primping time. Then I headed home because a whole bunch of my family was coming over! It was awesome- there was a taco bar courtesy of my mother's hard work, Texas Caviar (look it up), Beer Bread, and various beverages. I was so grateful for everyone who came out- my family and friends mean the world to me. The get-together wasn't high budget or really revolving around my birthday but it was perfect and exactly what I needed. As night fell and people began going to bed Nneka, Kelly, and I remained sitting around the fire pit on the patio. There is something about sitting around a fire that always leads to deep philosophical conversations. Sure enough, the conversation that ensued was...simply amazing. I am so impressed with both of their insights, their dedication to living life to the fullest, and not being blind to what life is about no matter how painful it might be. Or how joyous! We discussed everything from the overmedication of EVERYONE these days, to how the technological advances of recent years have impacted our generation. The so-called "ground zero mosque" situation was touched upon, and most importantly the crazy "Living the metaphor" idea which will be expanded upon at a later date.

My actual birthday was ballin'. Church was AWESOME- there was a full jazz combo playing with the gospel choir and there was no way you could NOT feel God. And the best part was, after an amazing homily by Father Jim (Our goal is not to TEACH about Jesus, our goal is to BE Jesus) Jonathan came up and sang! As a creepy side note his partner looks a lot like Dave Matthews. Then my parents and I went to Simply Crepes, talked about crazy life things and racking up a huge bill. But hey, it's mah birfday! Plus they were paying...
We visited my grandparents, went shopping (where I fell in love with Anthropologie but subsequently couldn't afford any of it), and then came home for some strawberry shortcake.

This post was a little rushed but hey...it was perfect.

Mung it up.


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