Monday, October 11, 2010

Do you ever stop for a moment and think about everything that you do in the day? I'm not talking about "I go to class, I go to work" blah blah blah. No, I mean every minute detail. Walking, chewing, spreading peanut butter on a piece of bread even. We all operate on these minute little details that our bodies know how to do. We have all learned how to grip a knife or walk up stairs and all of these tiny little muscle movements that are involved in all of these activities.
Here's my next question- have you ever started overanalyzing these everyday tasks so it actually becomes difficult? Test it out sometime- the next time you go to brush your teeth, micromanage everything. Think about how your fingers shape and grip to open the toothpaste, or even how your wrist moves when you are moving in the proper circular motion for 2-3 minutes at least twice a day. You will find yourself faltering, the brain is trying to comprehend and cognatively manage everything. Even worse is when you find yourself doubting your ability to do something you've done a million times before. For example, the other day I was riding my bike home after a really crappy day. My lesson was despicable, class was dry and unfulfilling, and I was just exhausted and cranky. While riding up the slope to my apartment, I though, "Watch me fall off my bike, that would be the perfect cap to the day." Sure enough my foot slipped not two seconds later and off I tumbled. The fact that I fell off my bike is ridiculous- I ride all the time. At the risk of being cheesy, my bike and I are one. I just feel comfortable when I ride. Nevertheless, on one of the easiest sections I've ever ridden off I flew.
Here is my point- this whole thought process directly relates to horn. Sorry if the end point is a bit of a let down... but hey, horn=life. I've played for over ten years now, over half of my life. I have played basically every note on my horn at least once. I need to stop doubting myself so much and just play. Granted I can make everything "easier" as Henniss would say and my consistency can go up, but I need to trust that I've got mad horn skills. In the words of the Barenacked Ladies, "It's all been doooone befooooore." So yeah, I need to pull my head out of my head and just know that I've been playing horn almost as long as I've been riding a bike.

Alright, that's all I've got.

Gratitude: This sermon:
Also Arnold Palmers. Dericious.

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