Sunday, October 24, 2010

Today was a strange day- I woke up at ten, something that is completely unheard of for me. As I went about getting ready for the day, it constantly seemed like there was this shroud around me. The weather agreed- it was warm and almost a little dark, as if the sun were hesitant to let itself shine through the clouds. The entire day had the feeling of twilight.
After a sectional, scheduling, and lunch I knew it was time for a bike ride. I haven't been on one in quite a while but I knew that before another crazy week started I needed to center myself. These bike rides are one of my favorite ways.
Being in nature is so important to me- it always has been. Think of a tuner, the really old ones that have many different circles, all of them checkered and spinning quickly in opposite directions. Essentially it looks like many different roulette wheels, one inside the other, with the directions of those wheels alternating; clockwise, counter-clockwise, clockwise, counterclock-wise. Now, when you play the wheels speed is based on how out of tune you are- the further out of tune, the faster the wheels spin. However, when you play in tune the wheels slow down and begin to line up.
In general I would say my wheels are spinning quite quickly. I live inside of my head for a very large portion of my life. When I'm on that bike path though, all of my wheels slow down. Any swell of frustration or joy that I feel only fuels my legs. Sometimes I feel like running away from everything, from all of my obligations not only as a student but as a human being. Today I felt bogged down by the people around me, by their baggage and their choices and their negativity in some cases. That is why I just needed to go for a while. Get away from everything.
It was absolutely astounding.
The sky is always the first thing I look at when I ride- who doesn't like to observe how the heavens above us look on a daily basis? The sun was partially covered but would poke out with the brightest angel rays I've ever seen. The clouds were dynamic, large and wrinkled, with an occasional smear near to the horizon. Every bit of sunshine today seemed like it was intended just for me, that God had nothing better to do in this world that to make sure that I knew I am being watched over. There was a warm gentle breeze that caressed me. This is how God, a God of love over all things, hugs me. I felt invincible and joyous.
I don't think I have ever been so in awe of autumn as I was today. In summer all of the green meshed together, it was easy to see the forest but very difficult to see the tree. That is not the case anymore- with all of their leaves stripped from their bodies I could see every naked form. Still, they were not sad or ashamed of being seen so exposed an vulnerable. They stood tall and unmoving in their bareness. Every angle of every branch beckoned, outstretching it's hand to me. So many arms reached toward me, welcoming me. Again, God was hugging me.
A hawk passed above, hovering for a second before beginning to circle the field ahead of me. People were out in droves; some of them were alone, meandering on their bike or feet and looking all around, taking in the beauty around them. There were the exercisers, those who looked much more focused on their speed and pacing than the beauty unfolding all around them. There were couples, holding hands and enjoying each other's companionship. And there were families, parents taking their kids to go explore the wonders of Mother Earth. I swear to you, I do not see people as consistently happy as they are on that trail. There are smiles everywhere.
I finally reached Antrim Park, swooping around the corner just in time to get a bug square in the eye. I stopped to get it out and when I finally did I took a moment to look around.
I think what I experienced was one of the most beautiful emotions I've ever felt. The sun was perfect and golden, the clouds had parted to one of the bluest skies I've ever seen. The color of the water reflected the sky, and the trees were exploding with color on the other side of the lake.
It was perfection.
So that was my ride, a bit of perfection. It always brings my mind back to this shirt I saw at There was a picture on this billboard that said "Everything will be OK." but someone had crossed off "will be" and written "is already". "Everything is already OK." It's those moments of perfection that string you along in this space.
Cause we've got some joy up in this place. Bitchez.

I'm grateful for the fact that I had Bush's Baked Bean and then uncooked cauliflower for dinner. Ah, college.
Sorry mom.

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