Saturday, March 26, 2011

Donation Station

I just went through my clothes and collected a solid garbage bag full of things that I never really wear. This is something we used to do in my house every once in a while- over time so many garments accumulate and you just forget which ones you actually wear. I've gotten quite a few, as you can see. I'll drop them off at a goodwill later today.
This is a simple something that I think everyone should do once in a while. As much as you think, "Oh I really like that. I'll wear it someday." I can assure you that there's someone out there who you appreciate it and probably use it a lot more than you do. So, yeah. Do it.

Also, don't drink Maxwell House coffee. It's only 8o% coffee and made with awful quality beans often bought at unfair prices. The rest of the 2o% is made up of barley and sometimes the husks of the seeds. And THEN they artificially flavor and scent it. Apparently at Stauf's they had a can of the stuff to have people smell. Over the years it was so corrosive it ate through the metal container holding it. That's what you're putting in your body every day.

Think Globally, Act Locally-

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